The Powerheart G3 Trainer AED is the perfect way to familiarize your team with the operation of the Powerheart defibrillator and keep your skills fresh between re-certification courses. The AED Trainer helps you prepare by simulating different rescue situations. It gives students valuable, realistic training with a defibrillator.
Training your team on this G3 AED trainer device is the best way to ensure positive outcomes and saving lives in the field. The G3 AED Trainer simulates 4 common rescue scenarios including shockable and non-shockable situations and includes voice prompts and metronome CPR pace instruction. It also includes a wireless infrared remote control for instruction in both semi and fully automatic configurations.
Included with free shipping is the training unit, training electrode pads, remote control, text display and a user’s manual. Not included are the batteries that you will need: 2 D batteries as well as 2 AAA batteries. The trainer can be configured in 5 languages including English, French and Spanish. Includes software from 2010 AHA Guidelines.